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Why do you consume apple chips from LoLo?

Have you heard of brix while you are eating fruits? Brix is a unit checking how much sweet fruits are. As you know, dried fruits is made by drying fresh fruits. That means brix of fruits are brix of dried fruits. Why is the brix important? That's why the brix accounts for 80% of flavours. Among various brix, we can give you apples which have the best brix. Look at the below

According to Graduate's thesis of Kyunghee by Ji hyun Yoo, you can see the brix of apples which are around 14 brix%. apple's brix is higher than other fruits on average. However, the thing deciding the brix is maturity. In accordance with maturity, the sweet taste is decided.

In this part, we use the best maturity when we pick up apples. That is fuji. As you can know the advantage of fuji from the below picture, fuji is the sweetest among apples. According to Food4less,

Fuji is the sweetest apple variety. That can be best used for snacking, applesauce and salads. By using fuji, we make the best snacks.

Additionally, we are CSR company, and following ESG business. As you can see on the main hompage, we can cooperate and coordinate with refugees. They need a job and security. The things we give you are not only apple chips but also happiness by helping them.

Also, we use the environment packaging for keep our earth safe. Recently, Global warming cause the earth to have serious problem. For protecting the earth and us, we use the cellouse package. The cellouse package has a funtion of biodegradation. Also, that is useful for sustainability because the cellouse package is strong and light. On the below, you can see the effect taken by using cellouse pacaking.

While you read the scripts, have you changed the mind? I hope that eating our apple chips, you protect the earth, other people who needs a help. First of all, you enjoy the best taste in the world.

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